Module summary

For my methodology project I decided I wanted to look at patterns. I choose a range of patterns to look into and paint onto all size canvas’. I wanted to look like sexual body parts for example I used peaches for a bum and eggs for boobs. I wanted them to have a significant meaning but I didn’t want them to be too in your face.

Through the project I learnt that I’m not as bad at painting as I initially thought. I also learnt that even if I didn’t like something that I made, it was okay to keep it as evidence as what I had done. normally I would have got rid of something if I wasn’t happy with it.

Within the project there was a lot of things that went wrong, I created a lot of work that I wasn’t happy with. Some things didn’t go to plan. I created a few paintings that I wasn’t happy with.

overall I was happy with how my pattern work turned out. I exceeded my expectations in the amount that I have achieved.


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